The Life of Little Courtney

I am an almost 3 year old girl with my whole life ahead of me! Watch me grown and learn new things as my mommy talks about me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Im Sick!

Thats all she will say lately. "Im Sick Momma" "I need tissue Mommy. I got boogys."

Courtney's vocabulary is amazing me. she says something new everyday that im just like WOW. You know what that means. its crazy how much they pick up.

Right now she is crashed on the couch. she is missing clifford the big red dog. When she wakes up, I will have to listen to her say, I want to watch my show's momma. then I will have to tell her they are over and she will get upset. its a round and round circle. And I get dizzy.

I need to go fold and put away her clothes again. Since her and her brother felt the need to throw them all over her bed.


  • At 8:36 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Hi Dawn!

    I'm so sorry that your baby is sick!! I hope Courtney feels better soon! Guinness sends her a get-well hug!

    Wow! You are right! It's a small world. Brian and I are natives of Wisconsin and we are planning on naming our little girl Coutney too.

    Thank you for your kind words and isn't great that Brett will be coming back this season?!!

    (the other) Dawn :)


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